This is the only clue you’ll get…that the cache is actually hidden somewhere on the island. Many of you may ask, just what is geocaching? It’s part of a worldwide treasure hunting game using a GPS (Global Positioning System) device or a GPS-enabled smartphone. Participants in the game find their way to a specific set of GPS coordinates and then attempt to find the geocache (container) hidden at that location.
The only rules are if you take something from the geocache, you must leave something in the geocache, and you must write about your visit in the logbook. The real treasure is just finding the container and sharing your thoughts with everyone else who finds it.
Geocaching is open to everyone with a GPS and a sense of adventure. Just visit our friends at the website to find the coordinates for our cache.
In 2000, there was the first “Great American GPS Stash Hunt” in Beaver Creek, Oregon, created by computer consultant, Dave Ulmer, who simply wanted to test the accuracy of the newly available GPS technology. Within days of Ulmer posting the coordinates for his stash (a black bucket filled with a log book and items such as books and a slingshot) folks were finding the “treasures” and sharing their experiences online. Because the word “stash” can have a negative connotation it was eventually changed to “cache” a French word invented in 1797 that refers to a hiding place someone would use to temporarily store items. The prefix “geo” for Earth was used to describe the global nature of the activity. Eventually, some of the hobbyists decided to create a website for the activity and was created. Today you can do a search on just about anywhere in the world and be able to walk, bike, or drive to a nearby hidden cache. So go outside and enjoy the fun!