Do you know how it’s possible for a National Park that charges no entrance fees to have so many fun activities and festivals, educational opportunities, visitor centers with artifacts and exhibits, and a park library? It’s possible in part because of the Great Smoky Mountains Association (GSMA) and the members that support it.
Rafting in the Smokies is very proud to be a member that supports the efforts of the GSMA and we invite you to join us in 2012. Its purpose is solely to help the Park, and it does so through sales in Smokies stores, labor, donations, and volunteer efforts, providing the National Park Service additional tools for fulfilling its mission.
Mission Statement
“Great Smoky Mountains Association supports the perpetual preservation of Great Smoky Mountains National Park and the national park system by promoting greater public understanding and appreciation through education, interpretation, and research.”
We encourage you to consider the GSMA when making your charitable contributions by giving the gift of membership this holiday season. Members of Great Smoky Mountains Association receive benefits that include: a subscription to the Association’s newsletter, The Bearpaw; 15% discount on books and other items online and in visitor center Smokies stores; a subscription to the Park’s quarterly news paper, Smokies Guide; participation in the Association’s annual meeting; spring and fall dayhikes; and other special programs and entertainment events. In addition to receiving a 20% discount for Rafting in the Smokies adventures with your membership card, many area businesses and national parks across the US offer special savings for GSMA members only too. Your gift will not only support the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, but also give your family and friends excellent vacation savings all year long!
To ask questions about the Association, call (865) 436-7318, ext. 222 or email
Join Rafting in the Smokies in supporting GSMA by clicking here for a complete listing of membership benefits and levels, and online purchasing instructions.